sorry the post'll have to wait. Or does any kind soul know of any way to retrieve all the photos?! thanks. I really spent..ALOT of time uploading them screw blogger -__-
Lets have everything in chronological order, then.
7:45am - I woke up, feeling extremely tired from sleeping at 3 am the previous night.
7:50am (approx) - Riane rings on the doorbell, bringing some materials over for making the farewell gifts. We left the house at around 8:00, I think. We bought our egg mcmuffins and sausage mcmuffin meals before we reached the mrt. ;D We'll never go to school without our mcmuffins eh!
The purpose of going to school was to learn the song we're supposed to perform for the juniors during the farewell dinner. It was "drunken sailor", which sounded pretty interesting. It was an easy piece anyway, but we still decided to stick to that one song instead of learning "carry me home" or the beauty and the beast songs. Better to have a performance with ONE good song than TWO not-so-good songs, I guess. We were dismissed at around 12.
Limying also had scores for "vois sur ton Chemin" from Les choristes, so I happily took a copy of it home. Its only for SA (soprano and alto) with piano accompaniment though D:
And I miss singing at the music room very very much. Its been like, one two months? ):
After the practice, Riane and I bought instant pasta from NTUC and walked over to my house to take our lunch and to start making the farewell gifts. Mine were pretty much complete except for the "photo packaging", while Riane had to start from scratch O:
At 2:15, I collected the photos from the printing shop, and the rest of the time was spent on cutting and folding pieces of tracing paper (its not EXACTLY tracing paper. those type of translucent ones, you know?). Which I only completed at 5pm. Just on time, cause I was supposed to bathe then.
After that it was very kanchiong for both of us. Riane still had many bookmarks to go, while I haven't even found a bag to bring there. I also had to blow dry my hair, wear my dress, pack everything, yadayadadaa.

Hastily took a photo of all the cards I made, and they look pretty ugly on the camera ): They're better in real life I think, but whatever haha, its the note inside that's important k!
Riane's bookmarks are inside ;D

the photos! hmm that's looloo's! (REALLY big stack of 50 photos in total!!)
The most hilarious part was from 530 to 615, THE MAD RUSHHHH!!!
Firstly, I had trouble putting my contacts on (I thought I put the left one on my right eye -.-)
Secondly, I didn't have much time to blow dry my hair
Thirdly, I haven't even found a clutch/bag
Fourthly, I'm not exactly done with my present
Fifthly, Riane's not done with hers either
Sixthly, Rianegoh...Can't wear the dress I lent her at first!!! So she had to rummage through my cupboard to find THAT yellow dress (the super oversized for me) IT WAS DAMN FUNNY I SWEAR. We took alot of time tying the ribbon, stuffing everything into a paper bag, and finding riane a pair of shoes.
Her feet was way bigger than mine, so she had to stuff them into a pair of white flats. However, her feet started hurting after like, a few steps out of my house so she had to wear her non-formal sandals. So we hurriedly left the house (dropping bookmarks and other things at the door) at.....615
Which was 15 minutes from the meeting time. Luckily, we got a taxi in no time and Riane called cheryl to bring her a pair (Y). On the taxi, I kept laughing at the situation and Riane was complaning abit about the PUFFY sleeves LOL. I don't know what I was laughing at either, just..EVERYTHING.
We were relieved to hear that some girls were still at Limying's place so we went to the toilet to pee and comb our hair and tidy ourselves up. We even thought there was extra time and took this photo:

I look like a tard in it, but we're two YELLOW BANANAS!!!
shortly after that, leongying called to say they've reached and they're all waiting for us. omg damn paiseh, we practically ran to the bus and the driver kept scolding us ): SORRY! WE REALLY THOUGHT WE HAD TIME. so it was the front seats for us D:
Then, we arrived at the place ^_^ Its at harbour front, near Vivocity! Alvina and Yingjun were already there to welcome us. Shijia was at the door, taking pictures as if we're some stars walking down the red carpet LOL.
They distributed the doorgifts (TOILET BRUSHES) which look like this:

very pretty eh, there's still GLITTER on the brush itself ;D The theme for this year was HOME, TRULY, so they gave toilet brushes to make us feel at home? 99 points for originality!! (its 99 cause well, it reminds us of olomouc doesn't it?)
As we walked into the place (Jolin's voice could be heard clearly lol), the choir started singing the traditional CHILLI CHILLI WASI WASI CHIYA CHIYA KAYA song :D
I remember singing it for the seniors each year, just that, the juniors are singing it for US now. The place was better than last years', and I was rather amazed, actually.

That's our table!
There's only 3 in total, one for the guys, one for uh, MS, and one for all of us. Ours is TABLE 3, and Riane says I should take a picture of it with chilli and peanuts to make it more artistic, so here it is:

The "artistic" photo LOL!

table photo! (where are the rest of the secfours D:)
Since dinner wasn't served yet, so we went around the tables taking photos:


Riane goh again!! :D

Junyao and Jiaye on the opposite table! ;D

First dish: Spring rolls, jelly fish.

then miss farah came!

table 3!

2nd dish!

especially for Mr ben tan ;D CHICKEN HEAD

Third dish: soup.
Fourth: Cuttlefish
We got bored of waiting for the food, so Riane and I went to find the juniors and took pictures:

Qianyu Peixuan me Eliz!

with Riane! :D

Me Riane Tingwei! ^_^
Fifth dish: Dessert (almond jelly etc)
Hope I got the order right!

Riane Tingwei~

We're getting married! :D HAHAHA (the flower's very pretty! ^_^)

Hmm we're getting married too! O:

are they..dating?!



the four of us (THE GIRLS) are all deeply in love LOL. Look at tingwei's face, she only wants meeee! :P
Shall upload the photos for GAMES, AFTER DINNER, and the really sweet presents the juniors gave, tomorrow! ^_^
Its 12:45a
Domov, Opravneny. Home, truly
Farewell was great.
Before I start posting on anything else, I'd really love to thank my lovely, lovely juniors!! Sorry my cards didn't have too many words on them, I thought farewell was on tuesday and only made them yesterday ): Thankyou, THANKYOU for everything.
Especially to peixuan, no word can describe how grateful I am to receive all these touching gifts and letters which you've obviously put alot of effort into. And the powerpoint. And the endless supply of cookies, cupcakes and sweets. And hugs. And pictures. And your DIY things. And the slideshow. Of course these aren't the only things, I'll definitely miss you ALOT ALOT, so don't be too shocked if I end up stalking you soon k :D Yeah I've always wondered how we ever got so close, and you just reminded me! :D (i've told you my secret about pierre cardin today right?!) To the biggest FARTY DUMMY XUANEEE on earth, I love you! (the rest will come soon!!!) :D
Love, mama the SMARTY.
And the rest of my soprano juniors too, the BIG orange card was just. awesome. (pretty design, yufan, duo kui shi wo de junior! :D) And the other cards. And the hugs and ahh just EVERYTHING. Not to forget our eh, VERY FUN CHOIR SESSIONS LAST TIME ;D shall never forget those times hhaha!
And my dearest Riane goh, TODAY WAS HILARIOUS AIN'T IT! :D I'm looking forward to our SPRINGCLEANING SESSION IN MY HOUSE OKAY! (I'll save the rest for our next meeting cause You'd probably be listening to A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES and watching stuff when you're on the computer eh ;D) SEEYOU SOON! ^_^
The most touching part was the dedication, which I didn't get to finish reading!!! Anybody knows how I can read them?!?! :D Really don't know how I'd survive without you guys, especially this year. For all the great, spastic, retarded, malu, stupid times...thankyou. I'll never ever forget you all (not with all the photos in my com), and I'LL COME BACK REALLY REALLY SOON.
Goodbye AHSchoir! (i know I've said this tons of times, but this, THIS, is really the last goodbye. The final act. Ahschoir Domov, opravneny)
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